This picture shows the total effects of a factory polluting the air through these steps:
- A factory by a lake releases smoke into the air.
- Dry evidence from the smoke falls into the lake.
- The rest of the smoke rises up and forms acid rain in the atmosphere.
- The wind causes the acid rain cloud to travel.
- Acid rain falls on a forest and acid snow falls on a mountain.
- After all this, the lake, the river, the soil and the vegetation is affected.
Acid rain is rain or any other term or precipitation that is usually acidic. It is one of the most dangerous and common forms of pollution. The term 'acid rain' was first revealed in 1856 by a British chemist named Robert A. Smith when he observed that smoke and fumes from human activity could transform the acidity of rain.
Acid rain comes down to the Earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, fog, frost, or dew. Once it reaches the ground, the acidity in the material can harm and even destroy natural ecosystems and man-made products.

Explanation for the Picture:
Explanation for the Picture:
Explanation for the Picture:

- Only run the dishwasher with a full load.
- Only run the washing machine with a full load.
- Turn off the lights in empty rooms or when you will be away from home.
- Turn off the hot water tank when you will be gone for a long period of time.
- Turn down the heat at night and when you will not be home for the night.
- Don't use you air conditioner as much.
- Install fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs.
- Try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as often as you can.
- Try not to burn a fire as often as you usually do.

- Keep the pool cover on the pool whenever you are not using it.
- When you are going to work, you could walk, ride your bike or take a bus.
- Car-pool to a place with someone else.
- For alternative fuels, try ethanol, propane, or natural gas.
- Take the train or a bus for long trips.
- Limit the amount of long trips you take in your car.
- Make sure that your vehicle's air conditioning system is not leaking.
- Try not to overflow the gas tank.
- Make sure that you are traveling at high speeds only when you need to.

Acid rain is a well-known term used to describe all forms of acid precipitation (rain, snow, hail, fog, etc.). The problem of acid rain is therefore not a new one but it has changed from being a local problem for towns and cities, into being an international problem. Countries are unwilling to act independently because they think it puts them at an economic disadvantages compared with other countries. International action to decrease pollution is not being agreed. In Europe, sulfur emissions from industry have dropped by about 25% over the last ten years, partly as a result of the economic depression of the 1980s and partly because fuel is being used more efficiently. In 1985, nineteen countries agreed to arranged to decrease sulfur emissions by a further 30% but it was not enough to solve the problem. Scientists have estimated that a act of 80-90% is required to prevent extra damage to the environment. Countries are now working on agreements that will decrease the amount of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, through controlling pollution from vehicle tire.
A Video showing more information about 'acid rain'
- plague: any cause of trouble, annoyance, or vexation: Uninvited guests are a plague.
- Fumes: any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances.
- Alzheimer's disease: a common form of dementia of unknown cause, usually beginning in late middle age, characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability, and progressive loss of mental ability.
- emissions: A substance discharged into the air, especially by an internal combustion engine.